106 Following

Karen's books

It's not about reading to impress anyone else.  It's about reading for the sheer enjoyment of it all...

How To Find The Books By The Author You Love?

Reblogged from BookLikes:

 A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy.


Edward P. Morgan 

Finding the book you're looking for is THE thing in the book lovers' world, right? Now we make it easier on BookLikes. 


Some updates were introduced to the search box on BookLikes. Now you can go to the author page from any place on BookLikes. You can also sort the books on the search page to find the titles with the highest rating or in the alphabetical order. 


When searching books by a given author in the search box at the top, insert the author name and press enter to go to the search page where you'll view new sort options. 



With the sorting hints you'll be able to find the most popular titles, books with the highest ratings and the book list in the alphabetical order. 


All titles and author names are clickable, you're able to move to the author page any time from any place on BookLikes. 




The author page also presents the book sorting options which will help you to scan the book list in the preferable order. 




Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtry

This story is so big, giant, sprawling, so...  EPIC.  I absolutely loved this novel.  Having been a fan of the 1989 mini-series, this book has been on my shelf to read for nearly 30 years -- yikes!  Thanks to another member of my book club who chose it for our January read, I can finally say that I have conquered this wonderful story.  It's a western, no doubt, with much brutality, harsh times, and a lot of death.  But it is also filled with humor, adventure, and unforgettable characters.  This is, chronologically, the 3rd book in the series although it was the first published (weird!).  I don't have a lot of interest in the first two books, but I just might read the final story to see what becomes of these people I've grown to really care about.   

Sort Books on Author Page

Reblogged from BookLikes:

The only way you can truly get to know an author is through the trail of ink he leaves behind him.

Carlos Ruiz Zafón


Now you can discover which books are the most popular among BookLikes' book bloggers and which get the highest rating. The Author Page on BookLikes received new sorting options. Now you can look through the titles alphabetically, by popularity and by review ratings.


You can choose the new sorting option on the BookLikes' author page. Choose the book order to view titles:

  • in alphabetical order
  • popular on BookLikes
  • highest rated in reviews on BookLikes blogs



The sorting is visible on main author page and all books page:



To view the reviews, click the book title. You can also sort the reviews by popularity, date of publication or view these added by your friends. 




BookLikes Photo Contest - Post a Photo & Win Books


There are two days left to win the mystery boxes from the BookLikes team!


Each BookLikes member has a chance of winning a mysterious package filled up with books and gadgets from the BookLikes Team: we've prepared 2 book packages with Nice Books and Naught Books


What to do to take part? Post a photo of you with your book/e-reader in a holiday / winter spirit on your BookLikes blog - make sure to add the BookLikes Christmas tag so we could find your photo set. Remember to write a note which book package would you like to get: Nice books or Naughty books. We'll pick 2 winners and the deadline is January 10, 2015. There's no much time left!


Share where are you reading and with whom?


Purpose And Determination

Poppy -- The Dirty Ditch Digging Dingo - Vicky S Kaseorg

It took about 20 minutes to read this heart-warming short story about Poppy and her inspiring determination and purpose in life.  We all need to have purpose and something to look forward to each day.   Poppy's daily digging ritual is her instinctive purpose.  She knows her strengths and no obstacle stops her from continuing her daily work of digging. A good lesson for us humans as well.  

Author Widget and Reading Challenge Goal

The new author widget is going to be fun for me -- I can feature a different favorite author whenever I want to change it up.  Thanks, Booklikes, for the new features!  And I've set a slightly lower reading goal for this year.  I think it will allow me to relax a bit and read the books I really want to.  Happy New Year, fellow readers!  -- Karen 


P.S. to Booklikes:  The little snowman with his falling snowflakes can stay for the rest of the winter.  He is so cute! 

New Widget and More Book Information

Reblogged from BookLikes:

Books Are My Life

What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it.

J.D. Salinger

Favorite book authors become readers' best friends - we get back to them in happy and hard times, we appreciate their words and love their works. Now you can show your best authors with Author Widget on your blog. 


New Author Widget is available in the Goodies tab. Select the author by inserting his/her name or author's ID, add widget's title and choose the number of books. Your author widget is ready. 


If the author is a BookLikes Author, the widget will also reveal author's blog on BookLikes. 


It's a great way of presenting your favorite writers and supporting authors whose works you love reading.


To add widget to your BookLikes blog copy the widget code and paste it in the personalization tab in the Widget Area. Remember to Save in the personalization tab. 






The book pop up has just receive a new book information: a series name. Now when browsing the books on Dashboard or on other reader's shelves you'll get a note whether the book is a part of the series and which position in series it holds.



My First Taste of Cornwell's Work

Chasing the Ripper (Kindle Single) - Patricia Cornwell

Wow.  My first experience reading anything by Patricia Cornwell, and I loved it!  She really drew me in with this Kindle single and made me want to read more, having always had an interest (as many others do) in this particular subject and why this murderer was never caught.  I believe she might have hit the nail right on the head.  Her evidence is compelling, fascinating, and convincing.  Great read. 

Reblogged from Ann's Book Blog:

Maybe?  This is definitely a "challenge"!

Source: http://www.popsugar.com/love/Reading-Challenge-2015-36071458

Reblogged from Biblioklept

Reblogged from Bettie's Books:

Goldilocks — Ricardo Martinez

by Biblioklept


Source: http://biblioklept.org/2014/11/15/goldilocks-ricardo-martinez/#like-42114

Enjoyable Read!

41: A Portrait of My Father - George W. Bush

just started this book this morning while waiting for my mother at the dentist office.  It is so good, and I'm enjoying it very much.