It's not about reading to impress anyone else. It's about reading for the sheer enjoyment of it all...
A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy.
Edward P. Morgan
Finding the book you're looking for is THE thing in the book lovers' world, right? Now we make it easier on BookLikes.
Some updates were introduced to the search box on BookLikes. Now you can go to the author page from any place on BookLikes. You can also sort the books on the search page to find the titles with the highest rating or in the alphabetical order.
When searching books by a given author in the search box at the top, insert the author name and press enter to go to the search page where you'll view new sort options.
With the sorting hints you'll be able to find the most popular titles, books with the highest ratings and the book list in the alphabetical order.
All titles and author names are clickable, you're able to move to the author page any time from any place on BookLikes.
The author page also presents the book sorting options which will help you to scan the book list in the preferable order.