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Karen's books

It's not about reading to impress anyone else.  It's about reading for the sheer enjoyment of it all...

The Cogs Of The Monarchy

Working for the Royals (Kindle Single) - Brian Hoey

I felt like I was ready for a quiz in school at the end of this Kindle single.  The author very clearly lists all the major and minor players at Buckingham Palace.  I don't know if it's a blatant error or an clumsy oversight on the editor's part, but there a couple of years listed that are way, way off, and both are in the same sentence. And this is being totally nit-picky on my part, but my opinion is that a so-called royal journalist should know to always refer to the Duchess of Cambridge as Catherine, not Kate.  Other than these two flaws, I found this little single very informative.