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Karen's books

It's not about reading to impress anyone else.  It's about reading for the sheer enjoyment of it all...

I LOVE a Good Animal Story... and This One is SO Good!

Joe -- the Horse Nobody Loved - Vicky S. Kaseorg

Oh how I enjoyed this book!  I was feeling that I was way overdue for an animal story, and I this one came along at just the right time.  I have visited online with author Vicky Kaseorg, telling her how she lived my dream as a young girl...  to have my own horse.  And she actually got one -- Joe!  I was, of course, in a puddle of tears at the ending -- it's nice to know that a really great story can touch the heartstrings that deeply.  This one goes on my list of favorites of all time.  You know me, I do not give synopses of the story because I want other readers to discover it all for themselves like I did, one chapter at a time.