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Karen's books

It's not about reading to impress anyone else.  It's about reading for the sheer enjoyment of it all...

Uncle Screwtape Has Affection For Your Soul... Not Exactly

The Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis said he felt nearly smothered by this book as he was writing it and that it might smother the reader as well.  I felt bogged down and smothered reading it.  It is a heavy dose of theology, well-written, and well-told.  But in keeping my review simple, I admit that I felt "creeped out" during many chapters, and victorious for the patient/humankind in others.  I am glad to be finished with it, and I am slightly changed by it. Conscience on both shoulders.  Good and evil.  Listen, learn, and never give up the fight.